La telenovela riguardante la cessione dei Clippers da parte della famiglia Sterling è finalmente finita: nella giornata di oggi il giudice della Corte Superiore di Los Angeles, Michael Levanas, ha stabilito che l’accordo da due miliardi di dollari per la vendita della franchigia californiana all’ex Ceo di Microsoft, Steve Ballmer, è valido e quindi Ballmer è a tutti gli effetti il nuovo proprietario dei rivali cittadini dei Lakers.
Shelly Sterling, moglie del controverso Donald, aveva chiesto di ottenere il controllo dei Clippers dopo che fu diagnosticato il morbo di Alzheimer al marito, ritenuto dalla stessa Shelly non più in grado di condurre in modo ragionevole gli affari di famiglia, anche a causa delle condanne e multe su di lui piovute a seguito dello scandalo-razzismo dello scorso Maggio. Shelly è subentrata così al marito riuscendo a vendere la franchigia a Ballmer.
Queste le dichiarazioni del neo-proprietario:
I am humbled and honored to be the new owner of the Los Angeles Clippers, Clipper fans are so amazing. They have remained fiercely loyal to our franchise through some extraordinary times. I will be hard core in giving the team, our great coach, staff and players the support they need to do their best work on the court.
Lots of people run lots of numbers, I feel like I paid a price I’m excited about. It obviously was a price that was negotiated and I feel very good about it. It’s not a cheap price, but when you’re used to looking at tech companies with huge risk, no earnings and huge multiples, this doesn’t look like the craziest thing I’ve ever acquired. It’s my own personal money, and you’re just as careful with your own money as you are with your shareholders money.
There’s real earnings in this business. There’s real upside opportunity. So compared to the things I looked at in tech, this was a reasonable purchase and it’s one I’m really excited about. Plus, I’m really excited about the product. I love it. I’ve been to over a hundred basketball games in the last year and that’s just high school games.
L’operazione dovrebbe concludersi definitivamente entro il 15 di Agosto, ma al 99,9% l’affare andrà in porto, rimangono solamente da sistemare alcune carte perchè il tutto sia ufficiale.
Anche Doc Rivers si è espresso sull’accaduto:
It’s an amazing new day in Clippers history. I couldn’t be more excited to work together with Steve as we continue to build a first-class, championship organization,I am already inspired by Steve’s passion for the game, his love of competition and desire to win the right way and I know our players and fans are going to be inspired as well.
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